[Work in progress!]

This page is an impartial list of known published materials that focus on Siouan languages. Links to these publications are provided where possible. Some links below go directly to the published works, but some will also go to a link to a publisher that will be behind a paywall. For copyright purposes, articles behind a paywall cannot be directly linked to here.

At the end of each entry is a code to quickly search for specific languages. These language codes are as follows:

 [ASI]  Assiniboine/Nakoda  [MIC]  Michigamea
 [BIL]  Biloxi  [MSS]  Mississippi Valley Siouan
 [CAT]  Catawba  [MSV]  Missouri Valley Siouan
 [CHI]  Chiwere/Ioway/Otoe/Missouria  [OFO]  Ofo
 [COM]  Comparative  [OHI]  Ohio Valley Siouan
 [CRO]  Crow  [OMA]  Omaha
 [DAK]  Dakota/Nakota  [OSA]  Osage
 [DHE]  Dhegihan Subgroup  [PON]  Ponca
 [DKN]  Dakotan Subgroup  [PRO]  Proto-Siouan
 [HCW]  Hoocąk-Chiwere Subgroup  [QUA]  Quapaw
 [HID]  Hidatsa  [STH]  Southeastern Subgroup
 [HOC]  Hoocąk/Ho-Chunk/Winnebago  [STO]  Stoney
 [KAN]  Kanza/Kaw  [TUT]  Tutelo/Saponi/Virginia Siouan
 [LAK]  Lakota  [WOC]  Woccon
 [MAN]  Mandan  [YUC]  Yuchi/Euchee